請先填寫報名表格個人資料, 並傳至WeChat, Line或 Email 聯絡負責人。
通過此網站填寫報名表格提交的個人信息需詳閱並同意我們的課程條款與隱私政策。 如需更多信息,請閱讀我們的隱私政策。
因故需遲到、早退或請假,請於 Email, LINE, WeChat 通知即可。
1. 「開課日期」前第7日之前提出申請者,原金退還。
2. 「開課日期」前1-7日內提出申請者,退60%已繳金額。
1. 必須提前至少7天或以上告知。
2. 上不足半期, 可退30%未使用餘額。
3. 課程已上半期或以上不接受任何方式退款。
本工作室保留課程師資, 內容, 時段等課務相關彈性調整及更變的權利。
除第一次試課時, 家長可以在旁一同陪伴學員上課。正式課程中,為培養學員獨立思考之精神,不建議家長在旁陪同上課。
課程學費包含特殊材料(e.g.畫布, 黏土, 特殊手工材料......),包含材料單表將會印在每個學期課程表。
為保證課程與最終成品品質,第一次報名者必須購買新手工具組 (黏土刀具組/壓模/黏土專用墊板)。
因請假需補課的學員, 可在請假當天聯繫工作室在當週換不同時段補課。
Webinar Course Terms of Service
Please read the following terms of service carefully before you apply for any course with Little Paws Art studio. Applying to our course implies that you agree to our terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”). The terms “you”, “your” refer to the guardian of the applicant (if any). The terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Little Paws Art Studio.
In respect of intellectual properties and privacy, video recording and photo taking are strictly forbidden in the class.
The course and/or credits can not be transferred to another person. If you and/or your child can not attend the class, we can arrange another time during the week to make up for the missing class. Or the wesite vedio page can help to finished the art work step by step after the absence week.
Children under 5-year-old are not eligible to our course
In order to encourage the independence of our students, Parents and/or guardians accompany is only permitted in the same room, but not encouraged stay on their side during the class.
We reserve the right to make adjustments of the contents our course.
Your submission of personal information through the website and/or our email is governed by our Privacy Policy. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.
Course Materials
Special materials are including in the tuition fee. Materials details will be printed on our course outline.
Basic Materials are not included in the tuition fee. Basic Materials needed for our online course: A4 Paper / 2B Pencil / Eraser / Watercolor / Oil Pastel / Coloring Pencil / Acrylic Paint.
To ensure every student have a good experience with good tools for craft class. First erollment must buy the beginner craft tools set(Clay Knife/Squeezer/Clay folder).
Students will be given 1 week notice if any materials changed.
We provide material pack to sell in our studio, Additional materials needed please contact us to buy.
Payment need to be made within 7 days after the application has been accepted. Fail to do so will be regarded as abandonment of the course.
Absence. Notice must be given for the absence of the a class. If you and/or your child can’t make it to the class for any reasons, please contact 027-8456-008.
Refund Policy. If you change your mind after applying for a course:
7 days notice must be given to be eligible for full refund
1 days notice must be given to be eligible for 60% refund
Withdrawn. You will be eligible to withdraw from a course within the first half period of the course. If you wish to withdraw from the course, 7 days notice must be given to get a 30% refund for the cost of your remaining classes.
Under special circumstance, Little Paws Art Studio reserve the right to make the final decision of your refund and payments.